Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Windows Phone 8 to die WP7.5's death?

Microsoft has now formed a working group to develop a blueprint for the next version of Windows Phone, which is again planned on a clean slate and not as an improved version of the existing. The target for this group is 2015.

According to an Unwiredview report, Microsoft group's task is to create a new single operating system for both smartphones and tablets, and everything is on the table including the Metro UI, which may either see a major redesign, or would be scrapped for something else in Windows Phone 9.

The working group is to submit its report on the new UI and features of the next generation OS in early fall this year, and the new OS is scheduled to launch sometime in 2015.

Windows Phone 8 to die WP7.5's death?

Microsoft has failed to gain much market share, which remains in single digits, and it did not do much good for itself when it launched Windows Phone 8, which was not compatible with devices already launched on Windows Phone 7, disappointing the early adopters of the platform.

If Microsoft repeats the same mistake with Windows Phone 9, it will be a blow that Microsoft can't recover from. It will be an even bigger blow for Nokia, which is already struggling. Its Windows Phone devices have not performed well in the market. Moreover, in a market where chipsets are moving from single core to dual core and then to quad core with gaps of six to eight months, Microsoft is lacking in a big way in building support for the next level of hardware in a timely manner. Therefore, even flagship phones from its partners, like Nokia, look ordinary in comparison to Android phones, even though they come with great camera and build quality.

Microsoft needs to ramp up its development cycle, get early adopters and fans of the platform along as it develops the next version with regular updates. For instance, when the Android platform is happy adopting full HD resolution, WP8 phones are stuck at HD only.

Hopefully, Microsoft won't let the Windows Phone 8 die like the Windows Phone 7.5 before it goes in for a complete overhaul in 2015.


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