Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Obamacare quietly reduces women's health coverage, expands ...

Pres?i?dent Obama him?self says the gov?ern?ment has no busi?ness being involved in women?s health and what we do with our bod?ies ought to be our choice, but now con?ve?niently timed ?guide?lines? from doc?tors, in part?ner?ship with the gov?ern?ment run Depart?ment of Health and Human Ser?vices (HHS) has issued guide?lines that expand cov?er?age for sex?ual behav?ior while reduc?ing real women?s health care cov?er?age, prov?ing where the real ?warn on women? lies.

Under Oba?macare reg?u?la?tions women now only have a PAP smear cov?ered every three years. In case you aren?t a woman, which the pres?i?dent isn?t, by the way, PAP smears are gen?er?ally?were gen?er?ally?part of an annual well-woman exam. How?ever, after Oba?macare passed, new cer?vi?cal can?cer screen?ing guide?lines were released and sud?denly because of that, after years of annual cov?er?age, women are now report?ing going for a PAP smear and hav?ing it denied as part of their cov?ered exam. As one arti?cle?notes:

[T]he Amer?i?can Col?lege of Obste?tri?cians and Gyne?col?o?gists (ACOG) teamed with the Amer?i?can Can?cer Asso?ci?a?tion and the U.S. Pre?ven?tive Ser?vices Task Force to issue new guide?lines which pushed back the age at which young women should begin to have inter?nal pelvic exams and sug?gested that most women only need pap smears once every three?years.

A PAP smear, which tests for abnor?mal (often pre-cancerous) cells, HPV, and cer?vi?cal can?cer, involves a quick scrape of the cervix to test cells. It takes all of 5 sec?onds and often saves women?s lives when some?thing abnor?mal is detected. ?

Pres?i?dent Obama clearly thinks PAP smears are impor?tant, or at least he keeps say?ing so when he insists that Planned Par?ent?hood needs its $487 mil?lion a year from the gov?ern?ment. He keeps say?ing it?s for ?mam?mo?grams and cer?vi?cal can?cer screen?ings.? Well, we know he keeps lying about the mam?mo?grams when even the national media, a fed?eral agency, and Planned Par?ent?hood itself say it doesn?t do mam?mo?grams, but he keeps say?ing it. ?So there are no mam?mo?grams, but cer?tainly we need to give Planned Par?ent?hood money for cer?vi?cal can?cer screen?ings? Except the guide?lines just changed this year, partly in part?ner?ship with, the U.S. Pre?ven?tive Ser?vices Task Force, and now what most women got annu?ally they now get every 3 to 5 years. ?Coin?ci?den?tally, this task force is a part of the HHS, the very same folks who worked on the birth con?trol man?date and health care plan. Sur?prise.

So what does Planned Par?ent?hood need all that money for if they don?t do mam?mo?grams and cer?vi?cal can?cer screen?ings and/or HPV tests are now only cov?ered every 3???5 years? Shouldn?t we be reduc?ing our fund?ing even because the orga?ni?za?tion is pro?vid?ing less women?s health care services

Well, you can rest assured, all annual sex?ual ser?vices aren?t gone. For exam?ple, annual coun?sel?ing for sex?u?ally trans?mit?ted dis?eases and HIV screen?ing and coun?sel?ing are cov?ered free under Obamacare.

In what?s become a hall?mark of the president?s phi?los?o?phy, real women?s health care has been shunned in favor of sex?ual health care. So con?cerned is our admin?is?tra?tion about illicit activ?i?ties that the real causal?i?ties are the mil?lions of women who need actual women?s health care not just to pre?vent preg?nancy (which is not a dis?ease), not to kill their baby, not to get their STD treated. HIV, tragic as it is, is not a dis?ease all women need to be screened for annu?ally to feel safe. Cer?vi?cal can?cer is a whole dif?fer?ent story. Any?one who has had can?cer will tell you that some?times cells increase rapidly. One has to won?der where the real war on women exists.

It?s clear the real rea?son the pres?i?dent thinks Planned Par?ent?hood needs all that money is for its man?dated con?tra?cep?tive care because noth?ing of sub?stance has been added to exams but a whole lot has been taken away. A well-woman exam now involves a basic health his?tory, height and weight, a breast exam (not a mam?mo?gram but a basic breast exam any?one can do) and once, every 3???5 years, a PAP smear/HPV test. This infor?ma?tion is straight from the gov?ern?ment health care web?site.

Still Mr. Obama is insis?tent that Planned Par?ent?hood is the only place that can do such things for?women.

How?ever, a basic well-woman exam doesn?t even have to be con?ducted by a gyne?col?o?gist. When I lived in rural Texas I got my well-woman exams by a nurse prac?ti?tioner at a med?ical clinic that was part of a Catholic health sys?tem. ?It was ten min?utes from my home; the near?est Planned Par?ent?hood was almost an hour away. I?m really hav?ing trou?ble buy?ing that this multi-million dol?lar, government-funded, mega-abortion provider does any?thing unique besides kill babies. This is far too unbe?liev?able to be real?ity. Except it?is.

None of this should really be ?a sur?prise with the president?s per?sis?tent per?ver?sion of Amer?ica. Just last week the nation was abuzz with the hor?rific gall of the Obama cam?paign to liken vot?ing to los?ing one?s vir?gin?ity. Casual sex?ual atti?tudes are not uncom?mon from the White House but grow no less tol?er?a?ble as time goes?on.

When peo?ple see some?one look?ing at them in an inap?pro?pri?ate sex?ual way, they often remark they feel ?slimed.? That?s sort of how I feel about the Obama admin?is?tra?tion right now. Every?thing seems to be sex, birth con?trol, sex, birth con?trol. Abor?tion. Abor?tion. Abor?tion. Cer?tainly a leader of the free world must have more than a one track mind. Instead, he sounds like a Planned Par?ent?hood pup?pet. Cecile Richards, the organization?s pres?i?dent, pulls on his mouth and he strength?ens her? purse strings.

And they all lived per?versely ever?after.

Except the mil?lions of babies killed.


Arti?cle source: LifeNews.com http://bound4life.com/blog/2012/10/29/obamacare-quietly-reduces-womens-health-coverage-expands-sexual-behavior-coverage/

Tags: Prolife

Source: http://empowershop.net/obamacare-quietly-reduces-womens-health-coverage-expands-sexual-behavior-coverage-10402.htm

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